Sunset From Space

Creative Direction: Joana Roque  & Lyera Richard
Photography: Joana Roque
Make up artist: Lyera Richard
Styling: Carla Cerda
Models: Claire Poenou at Scope Model Management & Stephany Yujin Hong
Photo Assistant: Letícia Semmer
Still Photographer: Yoon Sung Bin

Bad to the Bone - Sunset From Space - Joana Roque, Sunset From Space, Bad to the Bone
Bad to the Bone - Sunset From Space - Joana Roque, Sunset From Space, Bad to the Bone

dress: Victor Klijsen  – rings: Fait Main Paris – earrings: Fait Main Paris, necklace: Julia Bartsch

Bad to the Bone - Sunset From Space - Joana Roque, Sunset From Space, Bad to the Bone
Bad to the Bone - Sunset From Space - Joana Roque, Sunset From Space, Bad to the Bone

dress: Victor Klijsen – rings: Fait Main Paris  – earrings: Fait Main Paris, Julia Bartsch 

Bad to the Bone - Sunset From Space - Joana Roque, Sunset From Space, Bad to the Bone
Bad to the Bone - Sunset From Space - Joana Roque, Sunset From Space, Bad to the Bone
Claire. dress: Naya El Ahdab - earrings: Fait Main Paris / Julia Bartsch.
Stephany. dress - Naya El Ahdab - earings Julia Bartsch
Bad to the Bone - Sunset From Space - Joana Roque, Sunset From Space, Bad to the Bone
Bad to the Bone - Sunset From Space - Joana Roque, Sunset From Space, Bad to the Bone


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