A project made by Kittycatastrophies (based in Paris) and Pépinot (based in Barcelona), two photographers that met in Paris and decided to bring this project to birth.
Creative direction, photography and costumes: Kittycatastrophies
Artistic direction: Kittycatastrophies and Pépinot
Digital post-production: Pépinot
MUA and Models: Kevyn Charo, Margaux Chpupi, Irvikuva.
Uberquantics was created in order to create a visual representation of what it is and what it feels like to be neurodivergent. A neurodivergent person is differing in mental or neurological function from what is considered typical or normal (frequently used with reference to autistic spectrum disorders). They feel like the world was not made for them. And also, they are not made for this world. So difficult to fit in when you are different, and different can be scary and confusing for the other world. So they often feel alone and misunderstood and they isolate themselves, in order to avoid social situations.
In the uberquantics project, we can see three characters. Their costumes are made of purple garbage bags, and they are standing, wondering, and playing in a forest. The contrast between their plastic costumes and nature is made to design the maladjustment of their way of functioning with their surroundings. The contrast of the purple bags and the green background was chosen to show the difficulty of hiding the differences in their way of being. They cannot just pass unobserved or unjudged that easily.
Then we have the blur. Sometimes the background is blurry, sometimes the characters are blurred. And sometimes, both. This is made to show the sensation of how they perceive their space and how they feel perceived by others. Cause the world outside their heads is so confusing, the rules of how to be are not making that much sense, and sometimes it feels so ridiculous to pretend to be the so-called ‘normal’. Their blurred bodies are made to describe the misconception and the misunderstanding of the others against them.
In this chaos of normality, they can feel asphyxiated and lonely. But sometimes, they go out there exploring, and places, where they feel comfortable, can pop up in their way.
This series describes the journey of growing until the reaching of the moulting process, where they are removing their purple costumes and their insecurities, so they can finally find the Joy of being different. Finding a language in which they can express themselves will fade the blur away.

A project made by Kittycatastrophies (based in Paris) and Pépinot (based in Barcelona), two photographers that met in Paris and decided to bring this project to birth.
Creative direction, photography and costumes: Kittycatastrophies. Artistic direction: Kittycatastrophies and Pépinot. Digital post-production: Pépinot. MUA and Models: Kevyn Charo, Margaux Chpupi, Irvikuva.