
Photographer : Elvira Kolerova
Outland is a body of photographs that aims to capture and to explore what is being referred to as the 'uncanny'.
Described and analyzed by Ersnt Jentsch and Sigmund Freud―in psychological terms―in the twentieth century, the concept of the 'uncanny' represents an important aspect of art and culture today, especially in film and photography. Yet the visual construction of the 'uncanny' still remains an open question. Whether it is the presence of something else, the unfamiliar in the familiar, or the alienation, uncertainty and unease that make us feel uncanny―all these aspects are part of our experience and our subjective peception.
The photographic images of the series Outland are constructed and perceived as uncanny by the artist; whether these can be perceived in a similar way by the viewer is open,
and is part of the concept of the project.

Bad to the Bone – Outland – Elvira Kolerova. Photo : Elvira Kolerova. Outland is a body of photographs that aims to capture and to explore what is being referred…


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